
The guides, lists, and sites I find myself sharing (and using) time and time again!

Book Recommendations

I absolutely love recommending books for kids. Seriously— if I hear someone say “what book should we get?” to their kid a bookstore, I pop up like the literary version of Clippy the paperclip. I’ve found that I recommend a handful of books over and over and over again. I’ve organized them by age range and compiled them all in a handy-dandy PDF you can get for free!

Reaching Your Reluctant Writer Guide

Struggling to get your kid interested in writing? I’ve put together a guide to help you out! It’s totally free, and breaks down the five things I find myself telling parents over and over again when it comes to reaching their reluctant writers. If you’re not sure where to start with Wordplay, start here!

Amazon Storefront

To be clear, I always think we oughta shop indie stores when we can— but I also know sometimes we just need stuff delivered to our door without much hassle. I’ve put together some of my favorite books, gifts, and goodies great for young writers, reluctant writers, and parents alike!